For this Halloween episode, we talk about a whole bunch of spooky, scary stuff. The main focus is on the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, and his many films. Listen to how many classic films we've never seen!
Note: We'll be taking a week off to rearrange our recording and editing schedule. Next episode will post on November 10th and then we'll have weekly episodes very Monday from then on. Sorry for the delay! We're taking classes on how not to be scatterbrained unprofessionals.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Trick 'r Treat (2007)
No film has captured everything that is the Halloween season more than Trick 'r Treat. The decorations, the costumes, the mischievous spirit, the fun but scary mood. Heck, the movie even gives the holiday a proper mascot with the adorable and horrific Sam. There's so much to love about this film, especially if you're looking for the perfect Halloween movie.
Today's Pick: Trick 'r Treat (2007)
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)
Last year, before I bailed on my 31 Days of Drew, I had intended to make Halloween the penultimate entry. Now, I do think Halloween is an unmitigated masterpiece, but what's interesting is that the holiday it takes its name from isn't really central to the story. It's just a backdrop that the filmmakers realized hadn't really been taken advantage of in films prior. The same cannot be said about not-really-a-sequel Halloween III, which is a film drowning in Halloween imagery, history and insanity. If you can stop complaining that Michael Myers isn't in it, you'll be in for a treat.
Today's Pick: Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: WNUF Halloween Special (2013)
I'm not a huge fan of found footage as a sub-genre (read: gimmick) for horror films. It can be used effectively, but the hit-to-miss ratio highly favors the duds. Authenticity is the hardest thing to capture in a found footage film, and the golden standard for the technique has been made: WNUF Halloween Special is so believable that you could easily prank your more gullible friends into thinking it really is some infamous lost piece of urban legends goodness.
Today's Pick: WNUF Halloween Special (2013)
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Ernest Scared Stupid (1991)
One last one for the kids. I don't think I'm going to be able to make any kind of articulate argument as to why Ernest Scared Stupid is worthy of your holiday viewing time (it's certainly not the best Ernest film. That title belongs to Ernest Goes to Jail), so I think I'll relate a bit of a personal anecdote as to why I have a bit of affection for this film.
Today's Pick: Ernest Scared Stupid (1991)
Monday, October 27, 2014
MOVIE REVIEW: JOHN WICK Has Won My Useless Award for "Best Action Movie of the Year"
"They don't make them like they used to," is a common axiom that is spouted in regards to motion pictures, particularly films in the action genre. While it's true that superheroes and science fiction have sublimated the genre, there are still occasional surprises that manage to reinvigorate those of us who enjoy clever gunplay and brutally straightforward story. John Wick is such a film, and exceeds even those standards to become something outlandishly noteworthy. As far as I'm concerned, it's unquestionably the best action film of 2014, and maybe even one of the best that the entire decade will produce.
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Candyman (1992)
Maybe it's just my perception, but it seems like Candyman's presence in the horror dialogue has become somewhat diminished in the last few years. It certainly has its fans, but it feels like it should be even more heralded than it currently is. In my opinion, it's one of the supreme genre offerings from the 90's.
Today's Pick: Candyman (1992)
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Night of the Living Dead (1990)
Until the end of human history, we will be indebted to George A. Romero for giving us the popular image and concept of the modern zombie. Considering how beloved the creatures are thanks to The Walking Dead and other media, it's surprising how many younger people have never seen the one that started it all. It's an absolute classic and needs to be seen, especially given its importance in creating an entire sub-genre of horror. But, I'm going to take a moment to talk about the 1990 remake, which seems to have been lost in the shambling shuffle of zombie films, despite it's importance to the genre.
Today's Pick: Night of the Living Dead (1990)
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Dead Alive a.k.a. Braindead (1992)
When they write Peter Jackson's obituary, it will probably be all about his landmark adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. If I was writing it, I'd probably spend a lot more time focusing on his insane early outings like Bad Taste and Meet the Feebles because they are such memorably gonzo flicks that once you see them, they are seared into your brain forever, regardless of your opinion on their quality. Chief among his first few features is the bonkers masterpiece, Dead Alive (a.k.a. Braindead), which is a benchmark in horror-comedy history.
Today's Pick: Dead Alive a.k.a. Braindead (1992)
When they write Peter Jackson's obituary, it will probably be all about his landmark adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. If I was writing it, I'd probably spend a lot more time focusing on his insane early outings like Bad Taste and Meet the Feebles because they are such memorably gonzo flicks that once you see them, they are seared into your brain forever, regardless of your opinion on their quality. Chief among his first few features is the bonkers masterpiece, Dead Alive (a.k.a. Braindead), which is a benchmark in horror-comedy history.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Planet Terror (2007)
I was abnormally excited for Grindhouse when it was announced. A double feature from two balls-to-the-wall filmmakers (Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino) that promised fanboy levels of reverence to the exploitation cinema of yesteryear? I couldn't wait. Walking out of the theater, I was perplexed at the fact that the few fake trailers made for the film were better than the two movies themselves. Over time, I've actually come to appreciate Tarantino's Death Proof as a strange double feature in of itself, but that flick doesn't really jive with the Halloween season. Instead, I'm going to tell you why you should watch Planet Terror, even though it is an a absolutely awful picture.
Today's Pick: Planet Terror (2007)
I was abnormally excited for Grindhouse when it was announced. A double feature from two balls-to-the-wall filmmakers (Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino) that promised fanboy levels of reverence to the exploitation cinema of yesteryear? I couldn't wait. Walking out of the theater, I was perplexed at the fact that the few fake trailers made for the film were better than the two movies themselves. Over time, I've actually come to appreciate Tarantino's Death Proof as a strange double feature in of itself, but that flick doesn't really jive with the Halloween season. Instead, I'm going to tell you why you should watch Planet Terror, even though it is an a absolutely awful picture.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Night of the Creeps (1986)
If you haven't figured it out by now, I love 80's era horror. The focus on effects, the fun spirit and emerging talents really made the decade something special for the genre. One of the most celebrated cult directors of the era was Fred Dekker, who would go on to make the minor classic The Monster Squad (which I picked for last year's list). Dekker is the kind of creator who can't help his infatuation with the genre he plays in, and that fanatic love is wonderfully honed in Night of the Creeps, a blend between 50's science fiction, 80's teen romps, and a whole bunch of fake blood.
Today's Pick: Night of the Creeps (1986)
If you haven't figured it out by now, I love 80's era horror. The focus on effects, the fun spirit and emerging talents really made the decade something special for the genre. One of the most celebrated cult directors of the era was Fred Dekker, who would go on to make the minor classic The Monster Squad (which I picked for last year's list). Dekker is the kind of creator who can't help his infatuation with the genre he plays in, and that fanatic love is wonderfully honed in Night of the Creeps, a blend between 50's science fiction, 80's teen romps, and a whole bunch of fake blood.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Re-Animator (1985)
I've said it plenty of times, but it bears repeating: the eighties were the golden era of effects-driven horror. The revolutions that were happening in the burgeoning field meant lots of on-screen benefits for viewers. With this fun attitude infusing the effects, the eighties also provided us with plenty of classic horror-comedies. One of the absolute best of these is Re-Animator, Stuart Gordon's loose adaptation of a series of H.P. Lovecraft stories.
Today's Pick: Re-Animator (1985)
I've said it plenty of times, but it bears repeating: the eighties were the golden era of effects-driven horror. The revolutions that were happening in the burgeoning field meant lots of on-screen benefits for viewers. With this fun attitude infusing the effects, the eighties also provided us with plenty of classic horror-comedies. One of the absolute best of these is Re-Animator, Stuart Gordon's loose adaptation of a series of H.P. Lovecraft stories.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: ParaNorman (2012)
I love movies about weird kids. Most people feel weird when they're kids, and it's much easier to relate to young outcasts than it is ti even semi-popular characters. Not only do I love ParaNorman for this reason, but also because the overall message of the film ends up being about how we judge people who are different, and how that almost always leads to nothing but trouble.
Today's Pick: ParaNorman (2012)
I love movies about weird kids. Most people feel weird when they're kids, and it's much easier to relate to young outcasts than it is ti even semi-popular characters. Not only do I love ParaNorman for this reason, but also because the overall message of the film ends up being about how we judge people who are different, and how that almost always leads to nothing but trouble.
Monday, October 20, 2014
THE DREW REVIEWS PODCAST - EPISODE 5: TWIN PEAKS, David Lynch, and the Dark Lord Satan
After a minor name change, we're back! In this episode, we discuss the cult TV show, Twin Peaks, and its mad genius of a creator, David Lynch. We also continue to alienate as many listeners as possible, due to our accidental offensiveness. We heart you all!
MOVIE REVIEW: HOUSEBOUND Is Here to Save Halloween
Maybe it's just me, but 2014 seems to have been a weak year for horror so far. There have been a few hidden gems (Grand Piano and Witching & Bitching are the only ones I've seen), but as far as anything monumental, there hasn't been much of anything causing a blip on my radar. There's some entries yet to be released that I'm holding out hopes for (The Babadook, It Follows, The Town That Dreaded Sundown, Open Windows and Cooties), but otherwise it's been one heck of a dry spell. Thank New Zealand for Housebound, which has shown up just in time to give the Halloween season exactly the kind of film it needs: scary, funny and crafted by true lovers of the genre.
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Slither (2006)
Before he conquered the box office with a sentient tree and a talking raccoon, James Gunn was one of the horror genre's newest rock stars. Coming up under the independent spirit of Troma Films' Lloyd Kaufman, Gunn had better training than most when he helmed his feature directorial debut, Slither. It's pretty apparent that the guy was destined for greatest, even form the outset, because Slither is a horror fan's wet dream (that wetness is mostly alien slug slime and blood).
Today's Pick: Slither (2006)
Before he conquered the box office with a sentient tree and a talking raccoon, James Gunn was one of the horror genre's newest rock stars. Coming up under the independent spirit of Troma Films' Lloyd Kaufman, Gunn had better training than most when he helmed his feature directorial debut, Slither. It's pretty apparent that the guy was destined for greatest, even form the outset, because Slither is a horror fan's wet dream (that wetness is mostly alien slug slime and blood).
31 Days,
James Gunn,
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: The Manitou (1978)
If all you're looking for this Halloween season is a heavy dose of unfettered weirdness , look no further than The Manitou. Based off the book by Graham Masterson, this nutty tale involves the resurrection of an evil shaman who is being reborn through a tumor on Susan Strasberg's neck. I swear that's the actual plot, and it's kind of incredible.
Today's Pick: The Manitou (1978)
If all you're looking for this Halloween season is a heavy dose of unfettered weirdness , look no further than The Manitou. Based off the book by Graham Masterson, this nutty tale involves the resurrection of an evil shaman who is being reborn through a tumor on Susan Strasberg's neck. I swear that's the actual plot, and it's kind of incredible.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971)
Expect Vincent Price to make an appearance in this series at least once every year. I quoted Horror Movie A Day scribe Brian Collins once before and I'll quote him again: "If you go all October without watching a Vincent Price movie, you're doing something wrong." While I still think Theatre of Blood is Price's crowning achievement in the horror genre, The Abominable Dr. Phibes is a very close second, and even though the general setup of the two films are strikingly similar (Price is a character getting revenge on a group of people who wronged him), they each offer their own flourishes of creativity.
Today's Pick: The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971)
Expect Vincent Price to make an appearance in this series at least once every year. I quoted Horror Movie A Day scribe Brian Collins once before and I'll quote him again: "If you go all October without watching a Vincent Price movie, you're doing something wrong." While I still think Theatre of Blood is Price's crowning achievement in the horror genre, The Abominable Dr. Phibes is a very close second, and even though the general setup of the two films are strikingly similar (Price is a character getting revenge on a group of people who wronged him), they each offer their own flourishes of creativity.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Suspiria (1977)
I've only recently begun to churn through the works of Italian horror-meister Mario Bava, and I find myself in love with his lurid and often comic book-like use of color and light. It's no wonder that his student, Dario Argento, brings that same kind of vivid visual style to his early films. Suspiria was the first Italian horror movie I ever saw, and for many, it is the country's gold standard. I'm not well-educated enough in the sub-genre to agree or disagree, but I can recognize that Suspiria makes for a very strong argument.
Today's Pick: Suspiria (1977)
I've only recently begun to churn through the works of Italian horror-meister Mario Bava, and I find myself in love with his lurid and often comic book-like use of color and light. It's no wonder that his student, Dario Argento, brings that same kind of vivid visual style to his early films. Suspiria was the first Italian horror movie I ever saw, and for many, it is the country's gold standard. I'm not well-educated enough in the sub-genre to agree or disagree, but I can recognize that Suspiria makes for a very strong argument.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: The Exorcist III (1990)
The Exorcist isn't just one of the most seminal horror movies in American cinema, it's also a cultural touchstone that is so ingrained into our popular consciousness to the point that the film's classic images and moments become the only things we associate with the property. That's a shame, because in a perfect world, the masses would be just as enamored and traumatized by the third entry in the series. While Exorcist II: The Heretic was just the fevered dreams of its misplaced director, The Exorcist III is a concentrated effort to return to the eerie tone of the original, and at the same time, craft a story that allows for all new terrors to emerge.
Today's Pick: The Exorcist III (1990)
The Exorcist isn't just one of the most seminal horror movies in American cinema, it's also a cultural touchstone that is so ingrained into our popular consciousness to the point that the film's classic images and moments become the only things we associate with the property. That's a shame, because in a perfect world, the masses would be just as enamored and traumatized by the third entry in the series. While Exorcist II: The Heretic was just the fevered dreams of its misplaced director, The Exorcist III is a concentrated effort to return to the eerie tone of the original, and at the same time, craft a story that allows for all new terrors to emerge.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Child's Play 2 (1990)
I can understand there being some kind of subconscious fear of dolls that has to do with deep-seated childhood memories, or in the way a particular doll is creepily crafted (that Annabelle doll always bugs me. Not because it's creepy, but because it's so ridiculously creepy that I can't believe anyone would ever find it cute), but when it comes to making dolls scary on film, it's a tough nut to crack. The first Child's Play was somewhat successful in this feat, but the most remembered aspect from the film ended up being the vulgarly comedic attitude of the villain, Chucky. Luckily, the filmmakers behind the sequel decided to amp up the fun, and in doing do, actually created some disturbing moments themselves.
Today's Pick: Child's Play 2 (1990)
I can understand there being some kind of subconscious fear of dolls that has to do with deep-seated childhood memories, or in the way a particular doll is creepily crafted (that Annabelle doll always bugs me. Not because it's creepy, but because it's so ridiculously creepy that I can't believe anyone would ever find it cute), but when it comes to making dolls scary on film, it's a tough nut to crack. The first Child's Play was somewhat successful in this feat, but the most remembered aspect from the film ended up being the vulgarly comedic attitude of the villain, Chucky. Luckily, the filmmakers behind the sequel decided to amp up the fun, and in doing do, actually created some disturbing moments themselves.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
I think a lot of people would be mad if I didn't use this opening to proclaim my love for the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre when I'm about to recommend its sequel instead. The first film is a classic in the genre, and should be mandatory viewing for both horror fans and regular cinephiles alike. But, I feel like the sequel gets easily forgotten, especially since the franchise itself stays on a pretty steady decline after this entry. There's a lot to love about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, as long as you're not expecting anything close to the tone or style of the original.
Today's Pick: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
I think a lot of people would be mad if I didn't use this opening to proclaim my love for the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre when I'm about to recommend its sequel instead. The first film is a classic in the genre, and should be mandatory viewing for both horror fans and regular cinephiles alike. But, I feel like the sequel gets easily forgotten, especially since the franchise itself stays on a pretty steady decline after this entry. There's a lot to love about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, as long as you're not expecting anything close to the tone or style of the original.
Monday, October 13, 2014
THE DREW VENUE - EPISODE 4: Tim Burton, Charles Manson and Lots of TV Shows
In this episode, we pick apart the filmography of Hot Topic poster boy, Tim Burton. There's also a lot of TV discussed, as well as a continuing inability to maintain a train of thought.
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Jason X (2001)
Last year, I chose Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI for the thirteenth recommendation of the month. I made the case that it was the best entry in the franchise, and while I stand by that declaration, I also recognize that such a claim is not a minority opinion. The F13 fanbase is pretty unanimous in their adoration for that entry. So this year, I figured I'd do my best to ruffle some feathers by proclaiming Jason X as the second most enjoyable film in Mr. Voorhees' repertoire. I joyfully await your vehement disagreement in the comments section!
Today's Pick: Jason X (2001)
Last year, I chose Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI for the thirteenth recommendation of the month. I made the case that it was the best entry in the franchise, and while I stand by that declaration, I also recognize that such a claim is not a minority opinion. The F13 fanbase is pretty unanimous in their adoration for that entry. So this year, I figured I'd do my best to ruffle some feathers by proclaiming Jason X as the second most enjoyable film in Mr. Voorhees' repertoire. I joyfully await your vehement disagreement in the comments section!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: House of 1000 Corpses (2003)
You can read about my personal experience with Rob Zombie's directorial debut here, which will give you some kind of idea where my brain is coming from when I recommend this movie. This spot in the list did belong to the superior sequel, The Devil's Rejects, for a long time before I decided that I was incapable of suggesting that movie without first paying my respects to its progenitor. Don't worry, because the sequel is a guaranteed lock for next year. ...Spoiler alert?
Today's Pick: House of 1000 Corpses (2003)
You can read about my personal experience with Rob Zombie's directorial debut here, which will give you some kind of idea where my brain is coming from when I recommend this movie. This spot in the list did belong to the superior sequel, The Devil's Rejects, for a long time before I decided that I was incapable of suggesting that movie without first paying my respects to its progenitor. Don't worry, because the sequel is a guaranteed lock for next year. ...Spoiler alert?
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Cabin Fever (2002)
I think Cabin Fever might actually be the worst film I recommend this year. After rewatching it for this series, I found my opinion had shifted pretty heavily from when I first saw it over ten years ago. What I once found to be shocking and original was now kind of simple and tame. The only prevailing factor that still remained from my memory of the film was how ugly it was. Not just in terms of the gore, but in the characters, the look of the film and the overall tone. But now, I actually find that ugliness to be the reason I still really enjoy watching Cabin Fever.
Today's Pick: Cabin Fever (2002)
I think Cabin Fever might actually be the worst film I recommend this year. After rewatching it for this series, I found my opinion had shifted pretty heavily from when I first saw it over ten years ago. What I once found to be shocking and original was now kind of simple and tame. The only prevailing factor that still remained from my memory of the film was how ugly it was. Not just in terms of the gore, but in the characters, the look of the film and the overall tone. But now, I actually find that ugliness to be the reason I still really enjoy watching Cabin Fever.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: The Evil Dead Trilogy (1981 - 1992)
While I may not have loved the most recent entry in the Evil Dead franchise as much as everyone else seemed to (my review), I still found it to be a fresh nugget of gory fun in a cinema landscape dominated by found footage and overwhelming seriousness. Still, it never came close to matching the unfettered dementia and unashamed glee of the original film. Much like The Addams Family duology, I couldn't decide on one film to recommend. Since I only have my own rules and regulations to go by, I'm saying, "Fuck it," and telling you to watch all three films in one day. Yeah, they're that good.
Today's Pick: The Evil Dead Trilogy (1981 - 1992)
While I may not have loved the most recent entry in the Evil Dead franchise as much as everyone else seemed to (my review), I still found it to be a fresh nugget of gory fun in a cinema landscape dominated by found footage and overwhelming seriousness. Still, it never came close to matching the unfettered dementia and unashamed glee of the original film. Much like The Addams Family duology, I couldn't decide on one film to recommend. Since I only have my own rules and regulations to go by, I'm saying, "Fuck it," and telling you to watch all three films in one day. Yeah, they're that good.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
I don't know why there aren't more popular musicals based in the horror genre. For all of its trappings, the genre is capable of loads of fun. In recent years, the Evil Dead musical has proven this, but the progenitor of this kind of raucous and giddy attitude has got to be Little Shop of Horrors. Just the idea of adapting a Roger Corman cheapie into a goofy bit of Faustian absurdity seems like a fool's errand, but it's that exact sense of silliness that makes the filmed version of the off-Broadway musical an absolute blast.
Today's Pick: Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
I don't know why there aren't more popular musicals based in the horror genre. For all of its trappings, the genre is capable of loads of fun. In recent years, the Evil Dead musical has proven this, but the progenitor of this kind of raucous and giddy attitude has got to be Little Shop of Horrors. Just the idea of adapting a Roger Corman cheapie into a goofy bit of Faustian absurdity seems like a fool's errand, but it's that exact sense of silliness that makes the filmed version of the off-Broadway musical an absolute blast.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2010)
Horror movies for kids are tough. Either you get stuff that can't even be called "horror" because it's so safe and cutesy, or you run the risk of creating something too intense and causing the viewer to retreat. The eighties seemed to be the best period for this kind of film (see The Monster Squad), but I think the Guillermo del Toro produced remake of Don't Be Afraid of the Dark manages to walk that tightrope quite expertly, and provides a thoroughly chilling and thrilling experience for children that doesn't pull any punches.
Today's Pick: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2010)
Horror movies for kids are tough. Either you get stuff that can't even be called "horror" because it's so safe and cutesy, or you run the risk of creating something too intense and causing the viewer to retreat. The eighties seemed to be the best period for this kind of film (see The Monster Squad), but I think the Guillermo del Toro produced remake of Don't Be Afraid of the Dark manages to walk that tightrope quite expertly, and provides a thoroughly chilling and thrilling experience for children that doesn't pull any punches.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Closing out the first trilogy of episodes, we kick off the month of October with a Lard Lad-sized discussion about The Simpsons Halloween Specials. There's also Spanish witches, Bill S. Preston & Ted "Theodore" Logan, and a few completely unnoticeable technical flubs thanks to our first ever Skype recording. Comment and tell us how awful we are!
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994)
Before he eviscerated the slasher genre two years later, Wes Craven turned his critical and scholarly eye towards the monster he himself had created: Freddy Krueger. Not content with New Line Cinema's less-than-satisfactory exit for the character in 1991's Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (the series had drifted further and further into the realm of comedy by then), Craven took a bold approach by setting the film in our own reality, with the actors and creators behind Freddy playing themselves. It's a crafty way to subvert audience expectations, create a thoughtful commentary on horror films and the genre's importance to our cultural psyche, and to make Freddy Krueger an entity that deserves to be feared once again.
Today's Pick: Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994)
Monday, October 6, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
You know, I could try and talk about this film from the point of a film nerd, mentioning the great effects work by the Chiodo brothers (who worked on Critters). I could talk about its clever send-up of 50's sci-fi flicks. I could mention that veteran actor John Vernon manages to be surly, amusing and even truly creepy during certain scenes in the movie. There's a lot of directions I could go when recommending Killer Klowns from Outer Space. But, that title pretty much does all the work for me, doesn't it?
Today's Pick: Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)
I've mentioned on here a few times about how my enjoyment of Scream has soured as time marches on. I think I should at least give the film credit for doing one thing fairly well: humor. The humor in Scream is often effective, even if it can get a little too snobby towards the genre it's dissecting from time to time. There's nothing sweet about Scream. In contrast to that, Tucker & Dale vs. Evil might just be one of the sweetest horror comedies ever made. It also happens to be extremely clever in its use of horror cliches, flipping the character perspectives around in order to teach a simple but tender message about not judging people by how they appear.
Today's Pick: Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010)
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Hellraiser (1987)
Today's Pick: Hellraiser (1987)
It's undeniable that the imagery of Clive Barker's fiction is an important part of horror history. While his short story collection, "The Books of Blood", introduced his macabre visions to the world, it was his feature directorial debut, Hellraiser, that made his name synonymous with the horror genre. And for good reason, because Hellraiser is a savage piece of originality that must be discussed whenever the topic of landmark horror gets brought up.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: Troll 2 (1990)
Today's Pick: Troll 2 (1990)
There's a large number of people today who don't know what a proper so-bad-it's-good movie is. Pandering drivel like Sharknado and the entire catalog of The Asylum's output are so aware of the level they are operating at (low budget genre fare with ridiculous premises and less than Oscar-worthy actors) that there's not a single frame of film that has any sincerity in it. These are movies made for people who are awash with a post-modern love of "irony" and wouldn't know a true piece of awfulsome (awesomely awful, or awfully awesome) cinema if it was given a 24 hour marathon on SyFy. Real so-bad-it's-good movies are completely unaware of the limitations they are subjected to, often reaching for goals that are utterly unattainable due to budget restrictions. It's that spirit of trying to make something that the filmmakers believe is worthwhile, but due to their naivete, they fail in a spectacularly unique way which turns a film into something both absurd and admirable. One of the highlights of these kinds of films is Troll 2.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Every horrorhound's favorite month is upon us, and to celebrate, I'll be dishing out film recommendations for every day in October. I hope you enjoy the month with some good movies, even if they aren't ones I recommend!
Today's Pick: An American Werewolf in London (1981)
Today's Pick: An American Werewolf in London (1981)
Werewolves are a really fun concept. It's a shame that we don't have an enormous catalog of excellent werewolf flicks, but the few that we do have are incredibly special. Probably the pick of the litter (har har) has got to be John Landis' An American Werewolf in London, a horror-comedy that is amazingly accessible to a wide audience without betraying its deep love of the genre. While it's almost consistently funny, it also plays its grislier parts with complete conviction. This film doesn't pull any punches, and that's most noticeable in its effects work.
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